I first noticed this in Factions with the mobs that drop out of nowhere.
I think is has something to do with the npc/mobs having to be there in order to be activated, by quest or conditions like passing by, etc.
Also If you've noticed, the distance you see objects, npc's, and mobs with the ctrl and alt keys is slightly farther than the radar, I believe this also has something to do with the 'disappearing' npc/mob/object. When you first some within ctrl alt range the object is initialized, during which you see it, once fully started its properties are invisible, so you don't see it, as this is probably a one time initialization you don't see it again unless you rezone.
If all objects were initialized on entering a zone I would imagine a problem with speed would crop up.
A-net could probably eliminate this issue by making the ctrl alt only see as far as the radar.